Tips and tricks for launching and recovering eFoils from boats - Ribs, tenders, swim platforms, hoist harnesses.
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Managing eFoils on Yachts
We have hands on experience of storing, launching and recovering efoils on most boat designs, sizes and configurations.
We have eFoil deck stands and pre-measured custom dyneema harnesses with snap shackles for easy use on tender lifts, hoists, davits and deck cranes. We can supply protective board nose guards.
Managing Boards in a stern garage is convenient, it is easier to get the board onto the swim platform first without the battery. For storage it is good practice to leave the board hatch open slightly so the rubber seals are not under compression. If eFoils are being left set up it can be a good idea to use locktight on the mast to board and fuselage to mast screw - and a quick check for any loosening before every use is sensible within standard operating procedures.
Very neat little custom board rack out in the balearics - on a launch boat - ideally fabricated in 316L (A4) stainless. Make sure the fabricator has no other ferrous metal in the same workspace or the welds can easily get contaminated with rust spots.
Hardy 42 - Lifting with Davits
There are many standard and custom top rack storage options on different boats.
Awesome aluminium expedition yachts made in the UK.
The A47 has a significant bathing & launch platform on the stern, and davits as standard. A crane can be provided for getting heavier items up on the roof. The 52 / 63 has sugar scoops and a lifting platform. The 40 will has sugar scoops and davits.
We have press-fit marine grade board stands for use onboard deck, quayside or showrooms. Available teak stained or in sprayed finish options.
Bali 4.3
Sailing Catamarans - Depending on yacht size, eFoil, wing foil or surf foil boards can be stored on the stern deck or seats (foil more ! lounge less !), or bow / trampolines. Anything under 42 foot, even if secured on the edge of the port or starboard bow deck, you may have to remove the wing fuselage when under way as potential to get conflict with head sails.